Veer Teja Mahila Shikshan avam Sodh Sansthan, Marwar Mundwa, Nagaur
9414117610, 9875081300
संस्थान वार्षिकोत्सव एवं लोकार्पण शिलान्यास समारोह दिनाकं 08 फरवरी 2025 समय प्रात 9 बजे के शुभ अवसर पर आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं। समारोह के मुख्य अतिथि श्री हरिभााऊ बागडे ; माननीय राज्यपाल, राजस्थान अध्यक्ष श्री जयन्त चैाधरी माननीय राज्यमंत्री भारत सरकार, अति.वि.अतिथि श्री कन्हैयालाल चैाधरी माननीय मंत्री जन स्वास्थ्य अभियात्रिकी विभाग राजस्थान सरकार बालिका शिक्षा को समर्पित राजस्थान के नागौर जिले का एकमात्र बालिका संस्थान ADMISSION OPEN 2024-25 LIMITED SEAT सम्पूर्ण मूण्डवा क्षेत्र में सर्वश्रेष्ठ परीक्षा परिणाम ARTS & SCIENCE ADMISSION OPEN 2023-24 वीर तेजा महिला शिक्षण व शोध संस्थान, मारवाड़, मुंडवा में NCC का शुभारम्भ admission open 2024-25 जी.एन.एम. नर्सिग स्कूल में सत्र 2024.25 हेतु प्रवेश प्रारम्भ sc/st 100% scholarship 12 कला व विज्ञान वर्ग की छात्राओं ने संस्थान को किया गोरवान्वित शानदार परीक्षा परीणाम 2022.23

Message from the Principal

 CR. Choudhary  Mr. Sharma
Perface - "Why Choose VTMSSS" 'We cannot control the direction of the wind, but can most certainly set the boat of our life to suit the direction direction of the wind.' Veer Teja Mahila Shikshan & Shodh Sansthan Tejasthali, Marwar-Mundwa is the inspiration behind to make dreams come true of the great visionary Late Shri Bhanwar Singhji Dangawas. Though it is over 20 Years we still remember how the idea of an exclusive Girls Education Institute dawned on most honorable Shri Bhanwar Singhji Dangawas and with in a very short span of time, he translated the dream and idea in to reality. VTMSSS is one of the better than best institution of women education in Western Oasis of Rajasthan where the girls can develop the sphere of their knowledge, broaden the horizon of their intellect and foster cosmopolitan and cultural out look. It gives ample opportunities to discover their potential to sharpen skills and ultimately realize their capacities and can start their career.
Some misconceptions about Veer Teja Sansthan are :-
* It is situated in remote area!
Yes, it is remote yet easily accessible more personally than by road and rail. On the other hand hostel facilities for boarders & transportation facilities for day-scholars are also provided by our institution.
**It tries to strike balance to impart education to haves and have nots.
No, we have a strong conviction that access to quality in education must not be the monopoly of the rich and privileged only,
***This institution is of a particular society or a group of society.
No, it is not so. We do not have any type of discriminative admission policy. We admit the girls irrespective of caste, creed, sect, religion and socio economic status.
**** It is beyond the reach of economically weaker sections of the society.
No, the management runs the institution not-for-profit. You will find our fee structure lower than that of any other academic institution of Rajasthan. It is also for your kind information that our institution provides free education to orphans and exempt full or half tuition fee to the extremely poor students. Talented students are also benefitted by Merit-Cum Need scholarship as per their academic achievements.
Most Respected Guardians!
I invite you to send your wards to be a part of our Sansthan where learning has no limit. I wish Tejasthali total success in its endeavor in inspiring the generations to scale higher heights of glory. I hope you will appreciate our efforts. To err is human. Please forgive us if we erred. We look forward to receiving creative incredible suggestions to improve the efforts next in future.
Reach out to us

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